Brittany/Andrew Forrest  is a mixed media surrealist, cerebral artist, and creative writer.  She identifies as queer and gender fluid, and currently practices her art in Woodstock, Ontario. From a young age, Forrest's exploration of the body began through performing arts, specifically classical dance, which honed her observational skills. These skills now permeate her art practice, which encompass varied aspects of the human body. Through her art, Forrest delves into the complexities of human interaction and perception, seeking connections that bridge the gap of alienation.

"For me, artmaking is a means to affirm and reclaim agency over my own body. It explores psychological and sociological alienation through a queer lens, reflecting on the societal constructs that impose upon individuality, particularly in terms of gender and sexuality. My work endeavors to bridge the gap between the alienated and the majority, fostering a sense of connection and understanding."

Forrest's practice encompasses the metaphysical and paraphysical realms of gender and sexual reclamation, delving into the psychological defenses that create impenetrable boundaries that represent the human condition. These defenses serve as cues for exploring alienation and vulnerability.  Embracing queerness as an uninterrupted imagination, she delves into materiality and themes that epitomize sociology, psychology, and philosophy. Her artistic influences include authors such as Anthony Burgess, Albert Camus, Carl Jung, Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Haruki Murakami, and Sigmund Freud, as well as filmmakers David Cronenberg, David Lynch, and Stanley Kubrick.

Forrest was recently awarded the See|Me Student Prize in the NEW REALISM / ALTERED REALITY exhibition competition. She earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a minor in Art History from McMaster University, graduating with honors. Currently, she is pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree at Western University, where she engages in a fruitful relationship with her mentors, Christof Migone and Jessica Karuhanga, as well as other talented artists. Recently, she was granted the Graduate Thesis Research Award.