Born in Minnesota in 1968, Christopher Lane spent these formative years inspired by regional artists Thomas Hart Benton, Andy Warhol, Georgia O’Keeffe, and Roy Lichtenstein. His early teenage years were spent in Cairo, Egypt, where his work was influenced by the great architecture, sculpture, symbolism, hieroglyphs, and the expressive colors used in their paintings. During this time Christopher discovered he had dyslexia and furthered his education at the GOW School in South Wales, New York. Upon leaving the GOW School, he spent a year living in Paris, France, which fueled his creative instincts further. He returned to the States and pursued an art degree at Eastern New Mexico University but left to support a new young family while serving in the United States Navy as a submariner.

Christopher has now made his home in South Carolina where he continues to use fantastic imagery to turn his life experiences into visual stories that primarily focus on people and their relationships with one another. They often offer historical, political, or spiritual narratives as Christopher is passionate about these subjects. Christopher is a storyteller. Each painting can usually be broken down into several separate paintings or scenes yet are cohesive in theme. He uses symbolism, colors, and double imagery to create an elaborate narrative on canvas.

His goal is to draw the viewer into the work, seeing something for the first time, each time. Christopher’s work has been shown in galleries both nationally and internationally. His work is presently on exhibit at the Koger Center of the Arts in Columbia, South Carolina.