Irina Grechiuhina’s paintings represent the diversity and ambiguity of human nature and confront stereotypical archetypes of women. She is deeply curious about how womens unique personalities as well as external factors such as giving birth influence society’s perception of women. 

In her work, Grechiuhina utilizes intense and incompatible elements such as pop-art postures, surreal backgrounds, bold design patterns, and impossible constructs of space to convey the cacophony of stereotypes in fantastical ways.

Greciuhina studied painting, theater, and fine arts in Chisinau, Moldova, and later earned a degree in Architecture and Urban Planning from the Technical University. Since 2007 she has been a chief of the Architectural and Design bureau in Chisinau and has worked on exclusive national and international projects for which she has won awards in design and architecture. Grecuihina’s artwork has been shown in exhibitions in Italy, Spain, and France, and resides in both private and corporate collections throughout the world. She is represented by art galleries in Los Angeles, Stavanger, and Moscow.