Jack Florcyzk
Jack Florczyk is an American contemporary artist born in Teaneck, New Jersey in 1992.
Florczyk uses the figure as a means of expression through which her explores themes such as identity, perspective, and our relationship with time. His strong use of color, collage-like painting style, and minimalist forms create visually strong, expressive work that has often been described as “figurative expressionism”.
"Growing up with intense facial tics led me to believe that I had to be someone else, that I needed to wear a mask and shelter my true identity from those around me. My work is born from these feelings of being held captive within your own body...The rips and tears represent the multitude of identities that I have felt within myself”
As a self-taught artist, Florczyk is always experimenting with new techniques and is heavily influenced by the Impressionist movement, street art culture from the 1970s and 80s, sports, and hip-hop.