Juliana Bernal Jaramillo is a Colombian visual artist whose work is based on the foundations of geometry, fold, and color. Her pieces show how beauty can be recreated and understood from the minimalism of lines and planes. Working on paper she aims to understand its properties colors and their transformation beyond what the eye can see.
Juliana began her industrial design studies at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogota, Colombia, and finished at the Instituto Europeo di Design in Madrid, Spain. She was introduced to paper art by a childhood workshop and her experience with her son. Juliana practiced different techniques and materials with him, which helped him concentrate. What began as family therapy became her vehicle for artistic expression and she immersed herself in the geometric possibilities of paper, finding her artistic language there.
“My son was born in a square world. I always believed in unbreakable routines, at established schedules with structured activities. Thanks to work, we forced ourselves to think outside of the box, realizing these routines could change without the world collapsing. I discovered that humans get used to variations.”
Juliana’s first geometric sculptures are made up of angled figures, peaks, and vertices that are repeated modularly that summon the routine, the repetitive, and everyday but which manage to take the viewer out of the predictable sequences.
Juliana has exhibited individually and collectively in galleries, fairs, and auctions in Bogotá, Miami, New York, London, and Tokyo. She has also recognized in the Artrooms Awards in London (2019) along with the “New this week collection” from the prestigious Saatchi Gallery (2019) among others..
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