Margarita Godgelf's art delves deeply into contemporary existence, focusing on identity, communication, and societal constraints. Her pieces reflect today's consumer-driven culture, heavily influenced by the Internet, blurring the boundaries between the real and digital worlds. Omnipresent in her work, emojis, and smartphones symbolize this transformation, projecting curated personas while concealing true selves.

In her art, Margarita addresses existential dread, the gradual evolution of identity, and the limitations of societal norms. She explores the human experience within complex social constructs, inviting viewers to reflect on their identities and public personas.

Originally from Baku, Azerbaijan, Margarita pursued her artistic education in Moscow and Montenegro. She attended the Moscow Academic Art School in 1991, followed by courses in "New Artistic Strategies" at the Institute of Contemporary Art in 2001 and Illustration at the British Higher School of Design in 2007. In 2016, she expanded her expertise in fresco technology in Montenegro.

A member of the National Artists' Union of Russia since 1999, Margarita began exhibiting her work the same year. Alongside exhibitions, she has engaged in various international projects in graphic design, book illustration, and church painting. In 2024, she joined the Leeds Fine Artists (LFA). Her artworks grace prestigious collections like the Kolodzei Art Foundation, the Museum of Russian Art, and numerous private collections.