Maria Teresa Crawford Cabral
When painting, Maria Teresa Crawford Cabral takes her cues from intuition, spontaneity, and random visual elements before her so that the subconscious guides her process. The resulting work is poetically surreal - suggestive of a narrative, yet open to a kaleidoscope of interpretation.
“Since 2018 I have been working on a cycle of paintings that picks up the current Diaspora of displaced peoples. Each painting combines complex abstract backgrounds with a very precise drawn figurative image. The atmosphere is both poetic and nebulous. The common denominator is walking [or traveling and carrying a burden. When exhibited side by side, the pictures look like a march.”
Crawford Cabral is a grand prize winner in See|Me’s ‘In Transition’ exhibition and was featured at See|Me’s booth at SCOPE Immersive 2020. Her paintings have been included in numerous group and solo shows from Berlin to Lisbon and in the US. Crawford Cabral studied painting, graphic design and philosophy, and now lectures on drawing and painting nudes as well as anatomy for artists in Germany.