Sebastián Bravo Guerrero’s art delves into the intimate, mystic, and personal aspects of an individual’s life. Elements of innocence, compliance, and profundity weave seamlessly throughout his work.

In his recent series, UNIQUE, Guerrero embraces the concept of Kintsugi, which underscores the idea that imperfections contribute to one's beauty and strength. His subjects each transcend congenital conditions and exude self-possession and inherent peace that supersede any sense of affliction. In this a more inclusive and compassionate perspective on beauty and human worth.

Stylistically, Guerrero’s figurative paintings include colorful compositions and often reference pop-surrealistic realities. He employs a variety of media to accentuate his subjects, including painting, illustration, animation, and murals.

Guerro is from Colombia and received a Bachelor of Arts and Design and studied at Escola Massana – Autonomous University of Barcelona. His work resides in numerous private collections around the world and has been exhibited in multiple exhibitions, including Latinismo art in New York (2023), the Colombian Consulate in Brussels Belgium (2019), and a solo show Galería Casa Kilele, Bogota, Colombia (2018