"Art transports me to a world of wonder. I create art to escape the boundaries of the mundane world. My mind is always wandering, exploring ideas, while my eyes capture and document everything around me. I find inspiration in the physical world and creativity in the metaphysical one."
Tini Pinto is a consummate artist; her primary mediums are ceramics and oil on canvas. She has lived an adventurous life, traveling and living around the world. In 2012, while living in Bermuda, Pinto founded Tini Pinto Ceramics. Now she creates ceramics in her studio in Connecticut.
Tini's love affair with clay started twenty-five years ago as an art student in India. Since then, she has mastered her skill at various art centers around the U.S. and has worked independently for the last ten years. Tini believes all art is an osmosis of sensory stimuli into the physical manifestation of our experiences.
Institutions and experts have recognized Pinto's work, and in 2013, her collection “Wrecks & Reefs”, a response to the splendor of Bermuda, won the Made in Bermuda Awards. In 2016, she created “Treasures from the Triangle'', a tribute to the ecological diversity and the living mythologies of sunken gilded treasures in the Bermuda Triangle. The “Lotus Dinnerware” collection, created in 2020, is an adaptation of the timeless blue and white pottery of India and an ode to her Indian heritage. For the collection, she was recognized as a finalist in the Flair with Dinnerware competition hosted by the ICAN, Potters Council.
For EVOLVE competition Pinto presented her most recent work, "Biomorphosis," a portmanteau of the words biophilia and metamorphosis. Textured and sculpted pieces combined to create biophilic vessels.
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